Tuesday, June 27, 2006

"You see the problem, dear Listener, is that your garden variety Liberal has way too many boners..."

Rush Limbaugh is the bloated, obscene gift that just keeps on giving. Now he's been busted for a pretty cheesy misdemeanor coming into Palm Beach from the Dominican Republic carrying mislabeled boner pills. It wouldn't mean a thing, except he's on probation for his prior drug problems and he's open to random drug testing at any time. I expect the horse head in the bed next to him in his trashy Florida castle ain't far behind.

Even a gift from the ironically-just Gawds like Rush's need for a boner rush or Axl Rose getting busted in Sweden can't seem to bust through the crap these days. A continuance of nothing going right in the various Wars the Bushies got us into, and the Katrina waste becoming most itemized. The pic on the front of the NYTimes of 10,000 empty FEMA trailerhomes stored in Arkansas for $250K a month in rent should be the biggest embarrassment of the day. But instead it's just part of the pretty typical bad newsiness. Hope y'all understand that's why I've been a bit off the job here lately - it's all shite out there. Instead we're getting ready for a big move to Seattle in a few weeks. Lots of changes coming in a bunch. Lots to look forward to. Hope your own plans for the near future are hard to sum up quickly. Rock on.

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