Monday, April 16, 2007

Dick Cheney - a truly "ridiculous notion"

Dick Cheney on "Face the Nation" yesterday chilled me to the bone. His creepy saccharine "oh, back in the day" glad handing of Bob Shieffer only worsened the tone. For all the minions of conservative dooshbags trolling blogs to flame on...I'm just saying he's an entirely frightening man with far, far too much power. Watch the interview. Tell everyone you know to also do so. The future he envisions for this country is deeply disturbing. Beeyatch.

For those "Sopranos" fans to which I'm sorta associated know what I mean, I must weigh in with a moment of deep appreciation. Little Carmine is for me a favorite. His fancy-pantsy flourishes can smell a bit too much like "ACTING!" But the scene in last night's episode at the golf course with Tony - undeniably wonderful. Ray Abruzzo is hereby cast in my next movie. Babe.

We lost our camera recently. Or rather, I lost our camera. But let's not play the blame game. Nonetheless, dang. So it might be bit before everyone sees how frickin' cute Maya is these days. Aunties Becca and Katie were in town for a family fest this weekend and Maya had ridiculous amounts o' fun. Maya's went to her first concert - "Dan Zanes and Friends" at the Moore Theatre Saturday afternoon. Dinner at Carmelita on Phinney Ridge Saturday - big veggiehead ratings somewhere between a B and an A from everyone. My rating - solid B. Partly undeservedly harsh since the wait we encountered was merely due to the fact that vegetarians are obviously painful table lingerers. Know what I mean? Great people, but MAN can they veg out after a meal.

Hope your own darkest visions for the world are limited to massive amounts of chocolate today. Rock on.

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