Thursday, June 08, 2006

We all gotta go sometime. Repeatedly.

With little more than a week to go on our Mexican travels, we passed a relatively important milestone yesterday. After Sarah had gotten sick on Sunday on her way home from a delivery in the pre-dawn hours, my turn came round. Along with just about everything else I've eaten since 5th grade. Call it whatever you want (I prefer Montezuma's Revenge). But it ain't pretty secondhand much less on the business end of this little bug. I'm nonetheless very pleased to say that after a day's worth of Gatorade and crappy Mexican saltines, I'm resurrected with a whole new lease on life. Must have been the iceberg lettuce smoothie I bought off the fender of that broken down El Camino in the neighborhood. Next time I'm definitely going with the spinich.

Since all of our GI tracts seem to be on somewhat steady ground, we're heading to Acapulco tomorrow for a weekend away. It's the rainy season, so we may be disappointed by what we encounter. But the forecast is relatively decent and hotel rooms are frickin' mucho cheapo. Plus we're digging the idea of hitting the road in a rental car. Expect a more extensive travelogue than I've offered recently somewhat along the way.

For those in the U.S. that have no idea that the World Cup starts tomorrow in Germany or that futbol is the akin to collective madness in places like Mexico, well...the World Cup starts tomorrow yada yada yada. The U.S. actually finished in 1st place in its region, one place above Mexico. I'd be muy exaggerato if I tried to claim much awareness of either the sport's intricacies or the history of the rivalries that make up so much of the quadrennial event. But I'll be watching, especially to see just how nutty the fans here get. The U.S. opens on Sunday versus the Czech Republic. Mexico hits the pitch against Iran tomorrow. Hope your own viewing plans for the weekend are muy importante. Rock on.

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