Monday, January 11, 2010

Upping the randomness. You're welcome.

I'm going to go back to an older style of blog randomness this week.  A number of things have caught my eye and I'm behind on throwing a few thoughts at the ramparts.  Here goes.

Saddest story of the past week was the suicide of a Vermont artist that always made me chuckle.  That sounds totally condescending and inappropriate given the gravity of taking one's life.  But if you know anything of Stephen Huneck's work, you'll realize that I'm not a total cad.  Huneck was known for the folk art he did largely centered around cartoonishly-sweet images of dogs.  He spread his success widely - I remember being in Colorado for a wedding back in 2002 and stumbling upon a studio of his work.  I think he also opened one in Carmel at some point.  According to the story I saw in the Burlington Free Press, he was despondent after laying off his employees last week.  The economy hits artists, too.  Especially the rare ones that not only have employees, but appear to care very deeply about them.  Google Huneck's work - I'll bet you've seen some. 

On the other end of the spectrum, the story in yesterday's Style section of the NYTimes was a laugh riot.  It dealt with a bunch of anecdotal New Yorkers that are living what was described in many ways, but constitutes a "caveman" diet and lifestyle.  Dudes eating loads of meat, exercising by throwing around rocks and the like, fasting for 24+ hours between meals, and generally being hilarious.  These "paleo diet" folks are welcome around my campfire anytime. 

All of Seattle is as damp as a locker room towel bin after a hard basketball practice.  Hope your own fireplace is stoked to also be stoked today.  Rock on.

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