Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Why Ed Klein should stick to "Parade" magazine and an upcoming guest gig of mine

If you've been paying any attention to Ed Klein's hilarious blowback following the release of his frothy slopbucket ("The Truth About Hillary"), I know you would enjoy watching Al Franken and Joe Conason work him over on Al's show last Friday. I hadn't seen a more humiliating display since the last time I rented "Deliverance." But Ed's latest twist of logic really shows how seriously this nut is cracking. New York Magazine picked apart the false usage of a photo of Bill at a Kerry campaign event which Klein alleged in his book showed an "open mouth kiss" with a "stunning divorcee" whom Bill was also allegedly conoodling in private. Well, of course the photo was real but the story Klein attached to it was an outright lie - the photographer was the first to come forward to say that it wasn't even fair use of his work. But when Klein was questioned for this follow-up "New York" online piece, he offered the following defense. Enjoy.

"A man who masturbated in the Oval Office with a cigar shouldn't be going around leering at women and kissing them on the mouth."

How Bill would, um, with, a...yea, I'll leave the cigar bit where it should stay - unmentioned hereafter for all eternity. But that's a pretty harsh sentence Klein suggests, both content-wise and in karmic impact. Klein should stick with the "Personality Parade" column that he ghostwrites. At least therein his reputation can't sink any lower.

On a completely different subject, I going to have a guest blogging gig in July at the blog "Whatever" by John Scalzi that I'll be further promoting as an exercise in appreciative synergy. The intro there today is worth reading - I'm the blogger mentioned as being previously unconnected. But I really appreciate the chance to include my shtick and hope that some of his traffic heads this way with increased regularity. Don't expect Maya picks over there and I'll only be truly responsible for Thursdays through the month of July (there are 7 of us guest bloggers, each moderating one day a week beyond what else we lob into the mix). Regardless, I hope you give John's blog a looksie. Rock on.

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