Wednesday, September 14, 2005

72-72 - Harvey's Wallbangers for the House!

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. It took long enough to get back to .500, but the New Brew Crew yesterday evened their record at 72-72. 18 games to play. They've got a bunch of young talent, including last night's winner, Chris Capuano, who was the first Brewer pitcher since Teddy Higuera in '86 to win 17 games in a season. If they finish off at .500 or over, it will be the first time since '92. I like Ned Yost. I like Richie Weeks, J.J. Hardy, Prince Fielder, Derek Turnbow and bit and chunks of all the others. I had a guy in our local bakery (Arizmendi) from near La Crosse ask how the Brewers were doing. When I told him, he smiled and said that he'd have to start paying attention to them again. I paid $3.35 for the loaf - weighed, all bread should be. The Brewers provided me the best tip I've given someone in quite a while. Hope they keep it up.


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