Tuesday, June 05, 2007

"Does Scooter Libby deserve to go to jail?" and/or "When did the Cold War actually end?"

The sentence just came in for Scooter. 30 months - the low end of the prosecutor's recommendation. Still, I. Lewis Libby is officially bummed. Yet another just dessert, some would say. But while this is going down, Dubya's peeing in everybody's soup just prior to the G8 by re-igniting Cold War-esque rhetoric in response to Pooty Poot's rope-a-dope routine. If I were running CNN's GOP Debate writing today, I'd make sure that both Scooter and Putin make an appearance this evening. Sadly, I expect neither to be mentioned.

If there's one anti-war vet I truly respect, it's Adam Kokesh. He may be an attention hog. Or maybe he's not ready for prime time. But the way he's been treated by this Administration's military and the way he's responded...well, this guy's a stud. I think we'll all be seeing a great deal more of him in the near to long-term future. I expect that will be a good thing.

Maya surprised us with a revelation this past weekend. We were just joshin' around - Sarah, Maya and me. And the question came up for Maya - "who's Jesus?" Please bear in mind, the dude's not been mentioned herein thus far. But Maya does spend her weekday mornings with the Lutherans. So how did Maya respond? "Jesus loves me." You could have decked me with a feather. Hearing her spout unjustifiable profanity at a formal dinner party was more of what I expected to be surprised by with this kid. I guess it goes to show that you just never know.

Hope all your own sentences are suspended today. Rock on.

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