Thursday, July 07, 2005

London calling...

Everyone's focused on this morning's attack in London - myself included. I just posted my first entry on the writers' site "Whatever" that I'm guest hosting on Thursdays this month and it focuses on what I've seen since I woke up at 5am West Coast time. Please check it out. I'll get more up both there and here later. Nevertheless, I hope everyone makes it through today smelling Spring-meadow fresh and extra fruity.

Oh, just to not lose that extra fruity lead-in - we watched Morgan Spurlock's documentary series "30 Days" on FX last night for the first time. Compellingly well-done television (an oft-used oxymoron, but in this case applicable). Last night's episode featured a 24-year-old homophobe from Oxford, MI who moved to San Francisco's Castro neighborhood for a month to live with an articulate, admirable gay man. The straight man (Ryan) was completely reluctant to listen to his own logic, but the gay man (Ed) and the surrounding community of gay men and women gave him the chance to learn something. If you liked Spurlock's documentary "Super Size Me" on McDonald's, you'll LOVE this series. My highest recommendation. Rock on.

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