Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Maybe try a bit more toward the shoulder

Today offers too much fatty political food. I'm talking raw bacon with the pan all heated and ready. Tony Snow's first week on the job ain't even over and he already stuck the landing yesterday by using the term "tar baby" and by getting choked up on his cancer survival story. In. The. Same. Briefing. People. I'd like to offer my nomination for the Worst First Week on the Job EVER. Snow Job - you're a keeper.

And in a photo-op that a political absurdist could never get away with staging, Dubya signed the 70 Buh-ill-ee-yon Dollar capital gains tax reduction extension. Apparently, we all doing great. And the Bushies tagged this giveaway via their recently under-contracted jingoistic banner-and-backdrops lackeys "Tax Relief For All Americans". So are you feeling it, America? The relief? No, no...wait for it. It's right there...yea, that's it. Ah, relief.

Hope your own mental exercises are more tangible today. Rock on.

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