Thursday, July 27, 2006

Besides, Andouille sounds - I don't know - too Expos-ish

Floyd Landis may - just "may" at this point - have had some help on that astonishing climb in Stage 17 of the Tour de France on the way to his overall victory. Reports are spilling out this morning about his positive test for an "unusual level of testosterone/epitestosterone" found by the mandatory testing following his victory in that Stage. I, for one, surely hope he's not guilty. If he is, his position as the greatest Mennonite bicycle racer EVER is surely in jeapordy.

As if we need more reasons to doubt the latest dubious Dubya "makin' progress" in Iraq plan for stepping up the American military's presence in Baghdad - the WashingtonPost has today's must-read story from the boots on the ground POV. I know that the Pentagon has done all manner of sneaky shite in years past to squelch the voices of our soldiers. That's why I recommend to everyone that you read this story and call your Congressperson to ask if they've read it. This kind of story has legs. Unless, of course, the Pentagon's civilian leadership succeeds in blowing them off.

In the only upbeat story I came across today, my otherwise depressing Brew Crew is offering at best a delightful distraction from their post-All Star Break swoon. A new sausage is about to be entered in the Sausage Race performed and beloved at all home games. And that sausage is...

Click to enlarge The Chorizo!

Not sure if there's necessary "spice testing" required before he/she/it will enter the field. And no one knows yet what "The Chorizo" will look like. But I'm willing to bet it won't be wearing a Manuel Lopez Obrador t-shirt.

Hope your own sausages are dressed in a delightful array of condiments today. Rock on.

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