Thursday, July 13, 2006

"You're my boy, Red!"

Seattle. We're here and settling in. Stuff comes tomorrow from the movers. And we picked up 35 boxes of books at Our Friendly Neighborhood Post Office which will surely soon be not so much on the Friendly. Laziness and languishing bureacracy - same ol' story. I, for one, until this episode believed sending all manner of parcels via Uncle Sam was dead straight dependable. Of course, I've never sent a ton of books for SixHunnerd bucks before. So for every finger pointing at someone else...the Postal Service can still surprise you with its suckiness.

Enough commerce. Let's talk heart. Didja know that Red Buttons died? I was damn sure like fifteen years ago. But actually it happened today. Go figure. Remember his Oscar-winning role in the 1957 movie "Sayonara"? Me neither. The internets found me this two-month old picture of ol' Red. Bet the guy ran a hunnerd pounds soaking wet.

Red Buttons-3.jpg

Maya's lovin' having a yard and seemingly has settled in altogether quickly. Seattle suits her. And we've been greeted by a few surprising days of coolish weather after a sticky summer prior to our arrival. Which is a bonus. Being back in this city after eight years away - Dallas, Vermont, San Francisco, then back up here - feels something akin to a journey completed. It feels good. I'll elaborate more later. Or not. Once we get our remaining four and half tons of crap into our rental house, we're taking a vacation. The thought of which is VERY nice right now. Hope your own routes are pleasantly circuitous today. Rock on.

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