Friday, August 04, 2006

The First Bushie admits under oath, "Something did go very wrong..."

Didja ever see the movie "Kingpins" by the Farrelly Brothers? Perfectly brilliant tripe. For me the insurmountably funny joke of a bowling hustler coming from Amish country was only surmounted by the failed infamy of Woody Harrelson's character, Roy Munson. Or more accurately, the cliche` championed by the film of "pulling a Munson" or "being so horribly unlucky, stupid and naive as to threaten your actual ability to survive in the World the rest of us inhabit." On that tangent, Claude Allen should become equally memorable. Even though he won't. We should all be able to joke about "pulling an Allen" or a "pulling a Claude". If you don't recognize the name - Claude Allen was not the low-wattage character actor that disappeared around 1980 after starring in such films as "Battle Stations" (that's Akins, and he's dead). No, this vaguely memorable Claude Allen was Dubya's Chief Domestic Policy Advisor. Until he got busted and fired. Before that, he was even a former Federal Appeals Court Judge nominee (just one step below the Supremes). Everyone given the chance to weigh in on Claude's scuttled nomination deemed him beneath consideration and unsupportable. In other news, Claude was also a sneaky shoplifter with a wacky sense of his own superiority. Basically, Claude would head into Target and buy a bunch of crap. Then he would go to his car and dump the crap to head right back in or he'd wait a few days. Then he'd put the receipt in his pocket and go back to Target, where he'd grab the same things off the shelf and walk up to the "Exchanges/Returns" counter to steal back his money on the crap he walked out with earlier. As if he were the smartest crook in the World. Or that the thought of cameras watching his every move never crossed his mind. Makes you wonder what sort of thefts this chump pulled off at our expense at work. In short, Claude is the embodiment of the Bushies's attempts at domestic policy. Rob, rob, rob. Expect no one is smart enough to see what you're sure as shite doing right there out in the open. And then break down like a little bitch on the stand - which he most certainly did as embodied in the quote in this posting's title. Oh, and for those of you now paying attention that hadn't heard of this creep before, he got probation. After getting cold busted, stealing up to the level of a felony, and getting fired because he was a political detriment. That Claude. Pulled another Allen. Or pulled his Allen. However the lexicon adopts it...that shmuck's a cliche` waiting for a moment to cross over into infamy.

Hope your own sentencing today is also delivered well before Happy Hour. Rock on.

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