Sunday, November 12, 2006

Feingold '08 - R.I.P.

The LaFollette Wisconsin Reunification Tour's been cancelled for '08 - Russ Feingold's officially out of the race for Prez. Admittedly, he was the one guy I would have worked for in a heartbeat. For those of you looking to read the tealeaves of Dems in newly important Congressional positions, look no farther than Feingold's hat-tossing-retraction announcement in, of all places, the liberal blogosphere. Wherever that is. The Fightin' Feingold can't foresee being able to focus on his upcoming Committee requirements in the Senate if he were required to campaign for Prez (TRANSLATION: "raise money 24/7"). Still, this man still has the largest, brassiest balls in either chamber. Seriously. Two divorces, tons of enemies, the smell of inevitable anti-semitic ads tossed in his wake wherever he might campaign, yada yada yada. But just like my personal politically-irrelevant hero, Bob LaFollette Sr., Russ has those unmissable balls. Good luck with your mission to stink up the joint, Senator. As much as the Bushies will be dragged kickin' and screamin' to admit, even they will be soon forced under oath to acknowledge that you da man.

Hope your own campaigns are well funded today. Rock on.

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