Thursday, November 09, 2006

"How's that garden burger, heh heh heh...?"

Wowza wowza - the newzy post-Election garbage dumps just keep on a comin'. The Pentagon released the investigation report of Pat Tillman's death. Whoa. Cover-up. Disgraceful delays. Skim the first reports and grimly await the Larry King, etc. interviews upcoming. The Tillman Family, at the very least, deserves attention. Greatly wronged, unimpeachably just Americans. Larry? Notsomuch. Sorry, Lair.

My new favorite parlor game surrounding Rummy's cut 'n runnin' - whether Dubya could have tilted the Election if he'd announced the resignation beforehand. My bet is that this just wasn't well-planned, and they're lying about THAT, too. Modus operandi for the Bushies. I mean, Dubya wanted to pick an Aggie? Who worked for his Dad? No way - Dubya didn't want to do this. But the Bushies couldn't allow Rummy to be called under oath by both chambers. No frickin' way. Picking Robert Gates was like choosing off-white for bathroom tile. Safe-ish. And regrettable. Just because. If I could be a fly on any wall today, it would be in the home bunker above the booze shelf in the Rummy compound just up from Cheney's on the Maryland shore.

I'm not going to bother putting up my Election nite blather. My predictions were close-ish - got the House spot on and missed a few races in the Senate that made all the difference. I expect I did about as well as most of you overly-informed newsdroids. Besides, we all know what happened. The Dems are jazzed. Can't wait for Macaca's concession speech. Or the stories describing what Dubya and Pelosi had for lunch. I'd bet they had a salad. Check back for a full breakdown.

Hope your own menu includes the pickled heart of your enemies and maybe a nice autumnal soup today. Rock on.

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