Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Catching up on Maya's progress

I've slacked a bit as of late on the Maya updates, which I know has her fans chomping at the bit (great Derby upset over the weekend, by the way - although the idea of Giacomo being actually named after Sting's son has me a bit queasy). The last few days for us have been very successful in the smoothing out Maya's issues department - thanks for asking. She now seems to take a bottle as easily as a City Hall beat reporter. She sleeps through the night like a wealthy debutante. She still shmoozes easily with new people like a liquor industry lobbyist. She takes the occassional impromptu nap like a pill-poppin' retiree. And even when the escapades we take her on don't live up to their billing, she complains about as much as a mute warehouse worker (case in point: we did a "Dads and Babies" massage class this weekend that merely left us greasy and slightly creeped out by some of the people out there currently over-populating the planet). So life here is migrating to a new, freakishly-manageable form of normalcy. Sarah's back to her insanely busy worklife and we've been busy with social engagements for a big professional conference of her compatriots currently meeting in San Francisco through mid-week. Maya's still happiest when she can get her sustenance direct from the source. But at least she's not freakin' like a sobered-up Lindsey Lohan when she's just got dear old Dad trying to talk her off the ledge.

Oops...nap's over. Much more later, I promise.

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