Friday, October 20, 2006

Tony Snow gives the entire Nation some serious head

Today's unintentionally revealing story - White House Press Secretary Tony Snow has a honkin' bald spot back up yonder. His lame attempt at exasperated humor during today's briefing lead to the following screen capture:

news photo

But much more baldly ludicrous was the way he was trying to discredit yesterday's military assessments of our burgeoning mess in Baghdad. There was a time that Tony Snow was a curious figure - leaving a high-paying gig firmly entrenched within the biggest den of koolaid drinkers in the Land for an upfronter that Scott McLellan made look less fun than quail hunting with the Veep. So I think I've determined what made Tony do it. He's hiding something. Up top, in his velvety spew, all the way through and through. Watch him. I don't think this revelation will be Tony's last.

Hope your own vaguely paranoid conjectures sound plausible today. Rock on.

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