Monday, October 02, 2006

"When Life gives you lemons, vaguely blame it on Clinton and change the subject. Just like Jesus would do."

I predict that the Foley disaster is the sharpest double-edged sword in a generation for his Party. The GOP appears sunk in this election throughout the Congress and a number of State Houses around the country. But they'll all be able to blame their losses on a Gawdless pervert and be damn sure any hint of a liberal leaning in his voting history will be used to discredit him. In the BiggestLosers column, Denny Hastert is right up top. I'm just amazed it took this long. His bulletproof absurdity in the role as Speaker innoculated him, I guess. Until now. And just wait for all the Nancy Grace-less-es of the media World to play prosecutor on newly released emails with an underage ex-Page who it appears he had a relationship with. Pretty soon Foley's going to be counting the days until when he can escape the spotlight from behind bars. Whatever will soon happen to him on the outside will make a pervert rap on the inside sound pretty cozy, I'm afraid.

Although not everybody thinks a Congressman soliciting underage Pages for homosexual relations is a big deal. Like Matt Drudge. His top above the banner story yesterday was a regurgitated leak from a studio stooge about the upcoming release of "Borat". Guess the Kazakstanis are throwing a bit more of that wasted advertising cash around.

The Milwaukee Brewers won their final game of the season on the road in St. Louis, who nonetheless backed into the playoffs thanks to an earlier loss by Houston. The New Brew Crew were largely a youthful disappointment this year, finishing 75-87. Lots of talent, some of it uncoachably prone to high-pressure doofusness. The Brewers sucked on the road (27-54). Add it all up and I'd bet there were quite a few especially dirty hotel rooms left in their wake this season. Sorry, America. I promise on the team's behalf that next year will be much tidier from your point of view.

The Packers will be starting up on Monday Night Football in less than an hour. Also sorry 'bout that, America. Hope your own hometown sportiness is well above .500 today. Rock on.

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