Thursday, May 10, 2007

"I don't recall this 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' of which you speak."

Tough day before the mics for those loyal Bushies. Alberto "I don't believe that's an accurate statement" Gonzales was the uncornerable snake up front. To think the Bushies even lied repeatedly about the NUMBER of attorney firings just overloads everyone's circuits. No wonder so many people lapse back into "American Idol" blather. Which reminds me that Seattle's own Blake may sing the national anthem before a Mariners-Yankees game this week since he snuck into the last 3 last night. Leikisha had talent, but up 'til now Blake was my boy. But now I just think he's the love child of the original "Star Search" cutey waiting to get very old very quickly, Sam Harris.

The Milwaukee Brewers are still on complete fire. They won 9 of 10 at home against a cheeseparade of NL Central mates. Now they head out for a long roadtrip against some fun folk. Pay attention, America. This is your new favorite team.

Bill Richardson kicked this ad's ass.

He's got a slim shot. But he's always been one of my faves. I remember from '04 people joking that the way you knew if Richardson was running for office was if he'd slimmed down noticeably recently. He's not Cate Blanchette thin. Still, don't count this amalgam candidate out if the campaign season ship gets a rockin'.

Hope your own album covers don't come back to haunt to you today. Rock on.

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