Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sucks to be a Monica

Couple quick hard bankable shots for your consideration. Sorry to have been incommunacado for a few days.

I've not been watching Monica Goodling's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. But I'll catch up so you don't have to. The very most I can say thus far is that she's sure got purdy hair. As far as either the Constitution or her worthiness for the job she ran into the ground go, she makes me throw up in my own mouth a little. Once again the defense of yet another loyal Bushie for anything they've ever done directly is that they didn't actually do it. She'll get another job, probably immediately, for some soulless, misogynistic law firm that just wants to brag about hiring the latest Fawn Hall. Personally, sexy testimony ain't been the same since Valerie Plame sauntered into and out of the spotlight. But as far as the blowjob from this Monica goes - we all could do so, so much better.

So the Dems in Congress appear to have blinked. John Edwards benefits the most from their retreat on an Iraq withdrawl timeline - say what you surely will about that guy, but he's got the best political instincts I see walkin' and talkin' these days. Oh, and Hillary suffers the most. Everyone else just takes a high hard one to the karmic temple with the eventual, devolving result of funding this disaster without principle.

Speaking of karma - is anyone even paying attention to the fact that our military just announced another 9 combat deaths? In one day. That's at least 80 this month, following 104 last month. Sorry to mention it. It's just, ya know, the truth.

On much more interesting ground, Maya's cranking along really well as we head into the summer. Uncle Jake and Aunt Sarah were just here for a visit during which we took Maya too among other Seattle events the Norwegian Constitution Day Parade (May 17th, or "Syttende Mai" as they call it here in Ballard). On the way to which, by the way, we found our latest lost camera (in the glove compartment - I didn't realize Maya had a key). Jake gets the inadvertent credit. You'll soon get the benefit from an array of new shots. I get to change my lost/broken lifetime digital camera total back to two. So we all win.

Hope your own Constitutions are fully ratified today. Rock on.

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