Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Falwell croaks, McCain panders

There was like 15 minutes back in early 2000 when I thought John McCain could actually be a man of his word. All that "Straight Talk(?)" and unconventional posturing. But that's as over as the career of Yahoo Serious. Today's DeadFalwell Condolences Lottery seals that deal. McCain was first out of the gates. That lead won't last, especially since there's a GOP LameGang o' 10 debate in South Carolina this evening. Please remember people - Jerry Falwell was the one to blame 9/11 on homosexuality and abortion. Anyone lining up to honor his memory should be reminded just how short their own appears to be.

For those that care to notice, every single day provides new stink in the Gonzo follies. Yesterday, it was "Number 2" Patrick McNulty throwing in the towel at Justice out of shame or, if you're a complete moron, his claim that college tuition costs made him walk. Today, it's "Former Number 2" James Comey laying out the hospital bedside efforts by Gonzo and Andrew "Don't Blame Me, I'm Just a Dooshbag" Card to get Ashcroft to sign off on the obviously illegal NSA wiretapping program way back in the day. So for tomorrow I offer the following prediction - Monica "Can I Please Get a New Stock Photo?" Goodling will strip for Jesus and donate her dirty singles to Gonzo's defense fund.

Hope your own underlings haven't been secretly plotting your downfall since Day 1. Rock on.

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