Thursday, March 22, 2007

So we now need updates on the health of every other candidate's spouse?

John Edwards just confused the crap out of me. blew the lead with the entirely wrong leak that he was getting out of the race. And then his people manipulated the crap out of the story by pumping the announcement. This is BALLS, people. Can't wait to see where it heads.

I'll offer one Edwards story, with a brief editorial. I saw him in the Student Center on Dartmouth's campus when I was working for Dean in the week leading up to the New Hampshire Primary in '04. He was an hour late. Lame. The people running the show were making excuses to everyone, and I remember one particularly beautiful advance staffer distracting every single reporter in range. Frickin' smart advance work...but that's another story. Eventually, John came on. And SLAYED the crowd. Everyone there left on board. I saw every other candidate in the field that Primary lead-up. John was the best. But that's maybe what is so scary. This guy has known some tragedy. And this guy has an incredibly smart, tough lawyer as a wife (translation: Clinton echo to undercut Hillary). I'd say don't count John out. He smart. And crafty.

Al Gore's got the good press. But Barbara Boxer has balls. The way she smacked down James Inhofe was stronger than anything anyone's offered that doosh to date. Please do yourself a favor and watch it.

Hope all your campaigns continue unabated. Rock on.

1 comment:

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