Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Just when I thought I was out..."

While a hearty majority of the nation is probably debating whether "Dancing With the Stars" will have another vaguely creepy Emmitt Smith character this time around, Alberto "Call me Al" Gonzales continues to simmer in a salty broth. That turkey's almost cooked. My money's on the fact that he'll be compelled to testify before Congress and even the most loyal Bushie has no idea where that might lead. But I must admit that I'm more fixated on Harriet "Greatest Counsel Ever!" Miers. Can you just imagine the Constitutional crisis we'd be facing if she'd not been yanked back from that insanely misplaced nomination to the Supremes? 'Cause ya know the last Congress would have rubber-stamped her when push came to shove. And she'd been involved - pre-nomination, mind you - in the idea of selectively purging the Judicial Branch of folks unwilling to play ball with the hardcore Bushies. Holy. Moly. Even though she's been put back to pasture in Dallas, "Heckuva Job!" Harriet's getting yanked back in "Godfather III"-style (translation: horribly unworthy, unworkable final chapter). I can't see how the White House will be able to quash a Congressional supeona since she's already on the outside - resigned last year to "spend more time with her (selected cover story)." She'll have her C-SPAN moment. Tough timing to have just had the lusciously lucid Valerie Plame before the Members. Don't expect Tony Blankley to make any jokes about the color of Harriet's "roots" as he appallingly did on last week's "Left, Right and Center". Speaking of which - Tony Blankley is the biggest doosh in the entire medicine cabinet of Conservative apologists. My wife, I believe, thinks it's Tom DeLay, based on his "Morning Edition" interview this morning - much dooshiness was to be beheld, no doubt. Regardless, let me know if you've got a nomination for this game.

Hope your own emails are selectively deleted forever and ever when you see fit wink wink nudge nudge. Rock on.

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