Friday, February 19, 2010

Totally minor question - why do only figure skaters get a "do over" at the Olympics?

Like most 'Mericans, my interest in the Winter Olympics ebbs and flows.  Recent Games haven't thrilled me.  And I'm most definitely not one of the those that only cares about the medal count.  In fact, I most sincerely loved the Winter Games as a kid when we basically sucked competitively as a nation.  I remember fondly wishing that Bill Koch could somehow win another medal in cross country skiing when he was way past his prime to go with the surprise Silver he got in 1976.  I think Bill Johnson winning the men's downhill in 1984 was my favorite moment (even moreso than the Miracle on Ice in 1980), well before he ended up living in his truck.  I just used the Google to see that the USA won a total of 8 medals in '84.  East Germany and the Soviet Union won 24 and 25, respectively.  Hell, Finland had 13.  So it's a little weird to see such domination in Vancouver.   But I'm realistic.  Kudos for all the success.  As soon as the Games are over, most viewers will forget how much they enjoy, say, the combination of cross country skiing AND shooting rifles.  I don't expect ice fishing or wood toboggan racing to become  demonstration sports soon.  Still, this is a great fortnight of sporty entertainment.

Tiger Woods's strangely somber news, um, release earlier this morning was bad TV of the first order.  Did he perform well?  I'll leave that question to the ladies.  The consensus is a big "yes".  But when it comes to this morning, I don't think he kicked the ball anywhere.  Except possibly off the wall and right back at his crotch.

Seattle is drenched in sunshine and daytime highs pushing 60 degrees.  Vancouver is the exact same climate.  But they have that Olympic cauldron lit downtown, so it probably feels a few degrees warmer.  Weird.  I'd love to get Glenn Beck's take on that.

Hope your own momentary address of larger planetary issues merit more than an anecdotal rimshot today.  Rock on.

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