Friday, February 18, 2005

Rumsfeld's Lunchtime Shall Not Be Delayed, Puny Humans!

For all of those readers out there looking for a Lieutenant Guv race to focus their political junkie habit on, Ralph Reed has thrown his hat into the ring in Georgia. The incumbent (Mark Taylor - D) is planning to run next year against the current Guv, Sonny Perdue (R). Ralphie should be a hoot in that race - watch for Georgia Dems to push the Fed investigation into his connection with a casino scandal to the forefront of the debate.

Rummy got all pissy and walked out on the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday. Obviously, he's losing that shallow veneer of tolerance for piddly questioning about massive military failures and missile defense inopertiveness. I'm still waiting for his "you can't handle the truth!" moment to be caught on camera. 'Cause you know it's coming...

Joe Conason digs deeper into Gannon/Guckert's shady past in a posting on Salon today. It dates back to the Daschle/Thune Senate race and itemizes how Jeff/JD served as a GOP hitman in airing unsubstantiated attacks. There's certainly more of this sort of stuff to come.

And in baby news...well, we're still waiting. Updates to come when the situation changes.

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