Thursday, October 13, 2005

2% of any demographic is equal to...the worst Preziduncy in history

So Dubya went out on a limb yesterday to say that "Bring 'em On!" Harriet is religious. A prospective Supreme Court Justice. Being promoted. For being religious. Is it just me or have we lost complete control of things in this country? Seriously, maybe I'm just a lapsed Midwestern Protestant with too much respect for all the other flavors of cheese out there to believe that my brand should be forced down the gullet of the other 300-ish million Americans out there. But this move should be seen as the insult to us all that it is. Dubya's to be forgiven, however, for not having his A-game in the Q&As he's forced into these days - his new poll numbers are so in the toilet they're halfway down the street. And who's he got left to rely on besides his dog, Barney, or his trusty Mrs. Dubya - Rove and Libby are looking at indictments, Bill "Blind (wink, wink) Trust" Frist is getting indicted and DeLay's busy using his attack ad knee jerk on the DA (if hubris were a crime, The Hammer would get the death penalty). I've been doing loads of pondering on "Cool!" Harriet's nomination and I think I've got it figured out at last. She's a sacrificial lamb. Someone he can claim was the right person for the job who's sure to be sliced to pieces in the Senate debate. And then when she's disposed of, Dubya can appoint someone using his favorite approach (recess appointment - probably right around Christmas) that will serve until the next Congress is put in place after the November 2006 elections. Seriously, Dubya wants to give this "Defeat the Obstructionist Democrats" gift to the GOP to help them get off the bench (pun intended) and start playing the game by their chosen rules. One thing you gotta believe in is that Dubya is a sneaky shit. This just might be his sneakiest move of all.

The Dems are screwed if Howard "YEEEAARRGHH!!" Dean is still the best spokesman they've got - his appearance on Letterman last night was so painfully unfunny that I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Sort of. I'm an occasional Dave fan since my TiVo has always had him in heavy rotation, and last night he asked some appropriately snarky hard ones. Dean flubbed them all. Bummer for all of us. As was the case on his campaign, Ho-Ho just can't see fit to prep for anything. Smart guy, terrible jokester. The one moment where Dean showed his capability for straight talk was when he got grilled on the "hide the salami" flub from last week - still one of the all-time most hilarious political "am I still talking out loud" mistakes in American history. But when questioned on the issues, Howie sucks. Love the guy, but he sucks. And if the leader of the Party sucks on the issues, ya gots problems.

Maya's up from her early morning nap. Time to gather her opinions on the issues of the Day. Hope you've got your own brilliant audiences to do so with today. Rock on.

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