Monday, October 03, 2005

After a few hours, here are my (only slightly) revised thoughts on Harriet Miers

OK, so with Maya down for a nap and C-SPAN's coverage of the Miers announcement TiVo'd to view, I decided to pick through things a bit. The first thing I saw was something that contradicted with a Wonkette post from earlier this morning that I found to be silly yet illustrative - ol' Harriet is supposedly quite the nitpicker. Late worker. Loyal Bushie. All that crap. But in her prepared announcement, she made a grammatical error. As someone who's done never made one, her nit offered needs to be briefly picked. The following sentence comes right from her ridiculously coded and yet still astonishingly boring transcript of the announcement:

"The wisdom of those who drafted our Constitution and conceived our nation as functioning with three strong and independent branches have proven truly remarkable."

"Wisdom...has" - right? But so far as the important stuff goes, here's a few unimportant thoughts while Maya continues to cooperate (she's such a great kid, by the way).

1. Harriet wears enough gaudy jewelry to make Mr. T shake his mohawked-melon in shame. Tacky, tacky, tacky. If she were a store at the mall, it would be on the uppermost level and offer two-for-one piercings. Whatever that means.
2. In introducing her, Dubya listed every lame-ass thing she's been associated with aside from her past recycling history. Not that recycling's lame. Except in Dallas (where I have lived and can verify), there was no curbside pickup as of the time Harriet left for DC to manage policy matters for the Bushies.
3. Conservatives are making a stink out of her past political contributions to Gore's infantile run for Prez in '88 and Lloyd "I knew Jack Kennedy...You're no Jack Kennedy" Bentsen. But are liberals making anything of her $5K contribution to Bush's recount fight in 2000 or the comparable party allegiance shifting of the douchebag now warming Dubya's old seat in Austin? Cut the crap, people - if Dubya chose her, he thinks she's cut from the same archaic cloth as his judicial heroes, Scalia and Thomas.
4. The term "stealth nominee" has gotten more hits today than Paris Hilton's breakup with her fiancee. Granted, Harriet's surely that - no record worth mentioning as of yet on the issues that will be central in this or any foreseeable Supremes' sessions. But if there ever was a stealthier Justice than the still-new-car-smell-infused Chief Roberts, I've got some barely used bathing suits to sell you.
5. One last word on her look - absolutely-horribly-bad-mascaraness. Karen Hughes and Harriet must shop together.

Craparama - Maya just lit up the monitor like a Larry King call-in show featuring Tammy Faye Baker. I'll come back to this. Let me know if you care. It's only the future of the Nation in question after all. Rock on.

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