Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Courting the "Matlock" vote

To better illustrate "Plenty Bright!" Harriet's good ol' boy credentials yesterday, Dubya emptied the Dallas country club bars and brought a gaggle of white guys to the White House. All ex-TX Supreme Court Justices. All old white guys. All probably big "Matlock" fans. One went so far as to say that he'd trust "Heckuva Job!" Harriet with "my wife and my life." Apparently in that order. Now aside from the latent acknowledgement of "Cool!" Harriet's greasy yet unthreatening lesbian past, what exactly are we to take that to mean? That she won't force anybody's missus to get an abortion? That she's good in a knife fight? That she swings both ways? Seriously, we knew "Mission Accomplished!" Harriet was popular with white male lawyers from Texas, but otherwise I'm still straining to see what else in her past aside from running the Texas Lottery like a church raffle with lots more advertising qualifies her for the job. Is this merely an effort to finally make Clarence Thomas look like a good pick? Inquiring minds are dying to know.

All manner of reports are circling the Veep's office with regard to the Valerie Plame investigation. The WashingtonPost goes large with the possibility that indictments may be coming as early as tomorrow and may reach all the way up to "Big Time!" Dick aside from Scooter and TurdBlossom. I've got loads of popcorn just itching to be popped to accompany my non-stop ingestion of that story playing out. At this point, I can't see how Patrick Fitzgerald can do anything but bring some charges forward. If he were to throw up his hands and say, "nothing to see here, please move along" I think that would be one of Malcolm Gladwell's tipping points. Much of the District would tip right into the Potomac and it would wash that last remaining iota of respect for the Press out to sea. No, this one's gonna end with a protracted Court battle and it has the Bushies very, very nervous. 'Bout time.

It's not exactly as important as the Scott Peterson case, but Saddam Hussein's first trial gets underway today. Thankfully Iraq has something to distract the scrutiny from the vote counting, especially those provinces where 99% of the voting population is alleged to have turned out to get all purply and steeped in freedom. Yea right. 99% of anything is a joke. Unless of course we're talking Dubya's opposition in the black community. Therein, it's bankable.

I'd mentioned earlier that I would give my review of the de Young Art Museum that just had it's grand opening gala weekend. We went with our friend Whitney on an absolutely gorgeous sunny Sunday. The lines were long and the reactions I think were largely laudatory. The copper exterior of the museum is amazing (which looks strangely like a rusted aircraft carrier - in a cool way). The observation tower gives great views of the City, but I've seen better from Twin Peaks or Grand View Park (very close to our place in the Sunset). I can't give a review of the gallery spaces since Maya got restless and I bailed before seeing the whole mix. Regardless, this is truly an innovative building. Great energy, to boot. If you come to San Francisco, I strongly advise that you check it out. Let me know what you think, thereafter. Rock on.

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