Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"She's plenty bright."

This morning's presser in the Rose Garden was damn close to one of those crappy sitcom clips episodes that old shows always seemed to cart out in my formative years. Lots of reheated bunk answers, even though the set-ups were somewhat original (the Press pool seems to have grown more obvious character in the soggy aftermath of Katrina). Boil it down and we learned absolutely nothing new. But the more I listen to Dubya, the more I fear for the English language. Never before has someone so completely thrashed both folksy and Ivy-strewn colloqualisms. My favorite aside from the the title of this post was "(P)eople can opine all they want." Yet the standard Dubya keeps exhalting as Harriet Miers's finest trait slays me beyond any grammar lesson irritation. In short, "she won't change." She'll be the same blank slate at 80 that she is now at 60, apparently since Dubya kept saying "20 years from now." Since when is it good to assume that someone will not grow in a new role (please remember that she's never been a judge, people)? Sheesh.

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