Monday, October 24, 2005

Next question - How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

As Maya pines away in Gitmo, I just watched Dubya take some questions from reporters following a Cabinet meeting. The heat's really rising for the Bushies and the confluence of events that they've got to speak to is unbelievable. CNN's going live with a trio of car bombings in Baghdad (video of the explosions included). Wilma's ruining some pretty darn serious beachfront property in Jeb's re-election effort. But when the questions get asked? Rove/Libby and "Plenty Bright!" Harriet. Ouch. Quick - find somebody for O.J. to kill or the Press may actually cover this Administration's messiness for a change. Morning photo ops with a tiny sliver of Press opening typically haven't ever been a time to actually show Dubya in unscripted mode. His responses this morning are typically retarded on language. Yet the way he's so inexpertly sticking his paddle out into the current to redirect and instead sending himself into even greater peril is pretty compelling. Cases in point - when questioned about his characterization of Patrick Fitzgerald as running a "distinguished" investigation while GOP attack monkeys tried to now call the Fightin' Fitz "overzealous" over the weekend, Dubya went back to his standard "I'm not going to comment on the ongoing investigation." All that means for me is that when charges are brought (and THE INVESTIGATION IS OVER), they'll need to comment. That should be fun for Dubya's speechwriters. Other case in point - when the suggestion that those same GOP monkeys playing defense suggested that the Bushies were looking for a way to withdraw "Cool!" Harriet's nomination, Dubya went right for the Executive Privilege argument to withhold White House records from the Judiciary Committee. Unreal. It's as if he knows what the next political disaster is slated to be.

Spent a good portion of yesterday playing NFL fan. A good friend from college who's now an insanely funny 2nd Grade teacher (Vikes fan) came up to watch the Packers get embarrassed. Two of the worst teams in the League playing some of their worst football of the year to date. And then the Vikes' 98-pound weakling of a kicker boots a fiddy-six yarder to win the game. Horrid. Thankfully we had lots of hearty brat stew and all the fixins to distract us from what we were seeing. Maya even managed to take a lengthy nap amidst the festivities. So it was a fine Fall day on this Coast.

Hope your own picks came in like a Senatorr Judd Gregg Powerball this weekend. Rock on.

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