Wednesday, October 05, 2005

More details on "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside the U.S." Harriet

Ain't history a bitch to deal with? Let's hope somebody asks her about this PDB in the hearings.

The only story to read this morning about "Plenty Bright!" Harriet Miers if you've only got the tolerance for one story - the WashingtonPost's insight into her abortion beliefs based on her wacked-out evangelical Dallas background. The fact that the Post got a Texas Supreme Court justice to go on the record by saying that "(she) believes life begins at conception" is a ripple that will build through the weeks ahead. And it should - Harriet's not "stealthy" at all. This broad's a ringer for the Wacko Right. Period.

If you're looking for an opinion piece on "Heckuva Job!" Harriet coming from an unlikely source of such strongly-worded opposition, check out George Will carving up this turkey. He makes one especially good anecdotal suggestion - if you asked 100 legal scholars to list a "top 100" of their nominee suggestions ABSOLUTELY NOT ONE PERSON would have listed "Darn Good!" Harriet. Seriously. As Will notes, being a lawyer, even a damn good one, doesn't necessarily translate to being anything like a constitutional scholar or even a person with the skills necessary to interpret cases through the prism of constitutional debate that the Supreme Court is required to use. In short - "Bring 'em On!" Harriet is the least qualified non-judge nominee you could possibly consider. All the Bushies that bring up the point about how there have been 40 (of 110) Justices that have come from non-bench backgrounds and how even Rehnquist hadn't been a judge forget one extremely important point. "Mission Accomplished" Harriet has only worked as a lawyer. Not as an Attorney General. Not as an Advocate or Inspector for any form of the public interest. Not as as anything other than a lawyer. Unless they want us to consider her time as Texas Lottery Commissioner or an at-large one-term member of the Dallas City Council. She's only represented private interests, most importantly her long-standing work for Dubya directly. And if "Don't Misunderestimate Me!" Harriet gets confirmed to the highest Court in the nation, she will only continue to represent those interests. Even when we're expected to pay her lifetime salary.

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