Friday, October 28, 2005

Libby gets nabbed, Rove's still being followed

Get yer red hot indictments here! Libby, 5 Counts (obstruction of justice, perjury, sodomy, misogyny, something else really greasy) - lawyer up, buddy. Rove - you're now responsible for an extended investigation, extended costs, extended damage to the Bushies, and extended media interest. Fitzgerald's a great G-man, and totally sharp. Giving everyone a few hours to read it before he holds a presser is a classy start for the public phase. The GOP attack monkeys are going to have trouble going after him further. All they can do now is tangentially point to outsiders that are even harder to defend. Like the owner of the N'Awlins 'Aints who's expressed interest in moving them to Los Angeles (as the League hopes to do). Now THAT's a guy with a truly tough home crowd, Dubya. At least you've still got a flock of sycophants surrounding you in the District. For the time being.

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