Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Bubp leads to an increasingly stinky Schmidt

Time for us all to take out our tiny violins - Rep. Jean "Did I EVER Step In" Schmidt is all over the news this morning complaining about the treatment she's received after her "cowards run" speech in the House last week. But that's only because the Marine Colonel she claimed as an opponent of Murtha's call for redeployment vehemently denies ever saying such things to ol' Mean Jean. The Cincinnati Enquirer was the first to bother tracking down her Marine - a GOP Ohio state Rep and Marine Reserve officer with the vaguely scatalogical name, Danny Bubp. Apparently, Bubp (excuse me) campaigned for Schmidt in his Marine uniform and is an entirely loyal pro-war GOPer. Unlike the decidedly chickenhawky Schmidt, he says he would never think of criticising a fellow Marine. Yet instead of giving a better defense for her House floor lies, Schmidt is hiding from the media and offered up the following flag-waver yesterday - "First and foremost, I support the troops. They dodge bullets and bombs while I duck only hateful words." In the famous tone of Nelson from "The Simpsons" I can only offer the following - "ha ha!"

Time for a run along the beach and the beginnings of a beautiful day in Santa Barbara. Maya handled the after-dark drive down from SF with quiet dignity, but she's now down for a nap. Hope all your own travels today are followed by equally restful respite. Rock on Rock on.

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