Friday, November 11, 2005

Full affrontal Dubya

Dubya just popped a boner on TV. Seriously. Either that or he got a new speech from the hawkiest of the hawks in his inner circle of Roves. Many douchebags for Liberty will surely call using Veteran's Day to attack opponents of his conjured up War in Iraq a bold, freeballin' way of shifting the debate. This will fail, I predict. And the attempt to pin the anti-war folks down with a faded Kerry/Edwards bumpersticker has about as much chance of succeeding as a "Bring Back the Draft" petition campaign in Detroit. Regardless, I thank the Bushies for giving me ample silliness for shtick at the wedding we're going to this weekend. There will undoubtably be plenty of Hollywood liberals underfoot. In California, there always are. Rock on.

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