Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Plan For Victory #437 - Free Health Club memberships after only 6 months of Service!

Dubya's latest smirky John Wayne speech ran this morning to accompany the Bushies' newly published Iraq plan (35 pages!). I'm watching with a slight delay thanks to morning mayhem from Maya. So few points stick out of Dubya's usual blather, but here's a few on the fly...

Dubya just called a major group of our enemies in Iraq "rejectionists". Yes, and the "bomberists" and "Baathistists" are also trouble. Rejectionists were effectively defined as Sunnis that feel left out of the democratic success Iraq is experiencing. Dubya looked to his script almost throughout. So this is obviously part of the so-called newness of this speech.

Dubya pushin' for the Iraq plan - look there for all the latest secret plans from the Bushies. And the new Barney Christmas vid.

Mention was made of "career development courses" for the Iraqi military's officers. Look, I'm all for a well-rounded soldier. But, COME ON! Just train them to shoot and run things.

"Stand up, stand down...stand up, stand down." Dubya sounds as though he's calling a game of Simon Sez on the "Battle of the Network Stars" back in the 70s.

Dubya sums up the Dems by saying "Senator Liberman" on three occasions. I'd wager that's at least once more than Joe heard it over the two-week Thanksgiving break.

When Dubya got around to the "vigorous debate" from the hypothetical soldier's POV, he actually looked pissed. Something's unsettling about this man's self-confidence.

In the end, nothing new at all. Lots of hooey dealing with the daily life of an Iraqi soldier. "Timelines are for pussies. Freedom. Hard work. Terror (as one syllable). And may Gawd continue to bless the USA." Ppppppffffffffft. We're all so completely screwed.

Maya's gotten into some stereo cords and DVDs so I'd better separate her from her quarry. Hope your own shelves stay organized. Rock on.

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