Friday, March 17, 2006

A Nation drowns an awkward Anniversary with gallons of Green Busch Lite

Dubya's "Bring 'em On" War in Iraq began three years ago today. For the most part, the media is skidding across the surface of this story. The USA Today offered up a poll that's worth a looksie - obviously more Americans have been hurt by this folly than we'd previously been led to believe. But most of the other assessment angles read like shallow, obligatory crap. Especially with St. Patty's Day falling on a Friday and thereby forcing the 12% of American citizens of actual Irish ancestry into a boozy struggle for a barstool with 73% of the Nation's goofballs dressed in puke-green plastic hats. No offense to the Irish, but Dubya's forever peed indelible green all over your BoozeFest. In the spirit of poorly-prepared rationales, here's my contribution to the non-Irish part of today's discussion.

3 Years after the start date of some of our Nation's Most Referenced Prior Wars...
War of 1812 - it was over. But surprisingly, it lasted until 1815.
Civil War - the most brutal war in American history was less than one year from over.
World War I (from the point of the U.S. entering the Fight) - it had been over for like 18 months.
World War II (ditto on our entry date) - it would be over in 8 months.
Korean War - over. The TV series "M*A*S*H*", unfortunately, would last for another 8 years.
Vietnam - we were 7-12 years away from the shame of evacuating the Embassy in the fall of Saigon, depending on your agreed upon start date.

So, I speculate. One of those Wars is most like this bugger. Which is these Wars do you think it is?

Hope your own historical comparisons feature equally cute "Sesame Street" sing-alongs today. Rock on.

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